Song Writing - Blues Never Felt So Good - Photo Radar Love is Born

Songwriting is one of those very ethereal, hard to explain phenomena. I only know that it sure feels good. I just wrote a blues song the other day on an experience I had on Arizona Interstate Highway 17. I have one of those crazy photo radar tickets. You might already know how it feels. You do not even realize you're broke, until the business is $ 181 in the e-mail with a picture of your vehicle and your cup on the driver's seat. God, so annoying!

But the silverFood, that's all that this song to me. It 'happened quickly, as if by divine intervention, and "Photo-Radar Love" was born. I wrote it in two days, registered on My Handy-dandy Canon Powershot digital camera and instantly uploaded to YouTube (which means it is automatically generated by iLike (a property of Myspace video), Google Reader, Twitter and Facebook. Talk harvest about instant gratification!

Here are the lyrics:

Photo Radar Love, Brad Grant Gerver,12-11-2009

I know that I'm watching, the man is a robot on the road
You better watch your speed, and roll with the flow
Going 5 over the limit, but no more
If you get careless, a photo that stabs right at the back

The voice of Phoenix on I-17
An innocent trip if you know what I mean
Goin 'to see Sierra Lynny Agency
My foot is the best of me and I went to accelerate

Photo Radar Love
Photo Radar Love
You get caught

Gotmy baby with me, throw caution to the wind
We're gettin 'up close and you end up skin to skin
The next thing I know crashes caused by a flash of light
Snapped me bein 'bad, what the hell can I do

The signs give a speed of change ", so you better watch the road
I have to slow down, because a photo comin 'next
Should I wear a mask or use binoculars
I try to go to the limit, but I tell you that I'm cursed

Photo Radar Love
Photo Radar Love
You're Gonna Getcaptured

Around the next corner, with no more notable than a sign
Photo radar to nail my perch behind
would prefer not to continue as I saw
There is no way to avert the coming of the flood photo

I am respectful of the law, at least I'm on the right track
But boy, took me well in the same maximum
Breaking the law is not just my thing
Now I am a vehicle caught in a sting criminal

Photo Radar Love
Photo Radar Love
You get caught

E 'HighwayRobbery and a scam national
They dress better, but a false move, then Wham!
Cruise control is not a safe bet, can not read the signs
Just when it feels safe to hit the radar of mine

The State believes it useful to hit the pot of gold
The citizens are targets on the road
I hope that some officials to get their shots
Watch as he did, if 1-81 ($ 181) is due

Photo Radar Love
Photo Radar Love
You're Gonna Getcaptured

While I was writing songs for many years, as will always be a mystery to me. It could be a lucky coincidence or magic or other songwriting shaky concept, but I try not to question or explain a lot. It 'really just happens. I accept every song that comes my way, and above all I am very grateful for the gift you have given me.

I admit, a shameless self-promoter, but nothing feels better than when people actually had the experience ofEven the songs you wrote. I hope that gives you your voice heard. With the overwhelming technological playing field in which we live is at our disposal 24 / 7, writing songs and listening to their "out there" throughout the world is just too irresistible. I hope you follow my lead and to create what is to come on, be it music, art, photography, writing, you name it. Then it shows the whole world to see. It 's the most gratifying dependency.

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